Getting a Lower Body Lift - What to Expect

For the past ten years, the popularity of cosmetic surgery and reconstructive operations has been soaring. People unhappy with their appearance after age, weight loss or accidents have been able to have procedures performed that make them feel better about who they are. There are so many procedures available to enhance every aspect of the body that a person could have image issues with.

One of the most dramatic transformations that can be had in surgery is through a Belt Lipectomy; otherwise known as a lower body lift.People who have made the conscious decision to work on themselves and improve their appearance through weight loss can sometimes end up disappointed. After setting goal weights and achieving them, living healthy and being more active in life is a great feeling. However, some people reach their ideal weight and after a long struggle still feel very self-conscious about their appearance.

After massive weight loss, excess skin can be a huge problem - especially around the lower body area - and the body issues that stay with the person can be unbearable.A Belt Lipectomy allows those who have gone through massive weight loss, and even those who are looking to lose weight surgically, to remove the excess skin, tighten up the area around the stomach, buttocks and thighs and improve the patient's self-esteem and image.

The surgery itself involves the removal of excess skin and fat from the patient's midsection. A Belt Lipectomy is actually composed of three different surgical procedures. It includes a tummy tuck, a thigh lift and a buttock lift and can be done in separate stages or all in the one operation depending on the patient and surgeon. Additionally, as weight loss can sometimes leave patients with flat buttocks, fat can be injected to give the patient more shape in the area.

Intravenous sedation or general anesthesia is used during the surgery and the closure of the skin is also shaped to enhance the figure during the operation. After the Belt Lipectomy, patients can expect a three week recovery period before returning to work with full functionality.Having a lower body lift can make for dramatic change in appearance.

Removing the excess skin after weight loss can leave a person feeling far more comfortable with their body, what clothes they wear and how the rest of the world sees them. For those who have worked hard on changing their lifestyle to be more healthy and responsible, getting that good looking body is much deserved.

At Breast & Body we assist both women and men to achieve their desired body shape and size through cosmetic surgery procedures such as abdominoplasty, liposuction, lower body lifts, arm & thigh lifts, breast augmentation (enlargement), breast reduction, lifts and reconstruction.

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