The lack of persuasive empirical research on the mental health benefits of plastic surgery for teenagers is highlighted. Finally, the long-term financial and health implications of implantedmedical devices with a limited lifespan are presented. Adolescent medicine providers need to beinvolved in improving informed decision making for these procedures, aware of the absence of dataon the health and mental health risks and benefits of these surgeries for teenagers, and understandthe limitations on teenagers’ abilities to evaluate isks.
The number of adolescents requesting and undergoing cosmetic procedures has increased dramatically over the last decade. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS)
estimates that more than 333,000 cosmetic procedures were performed on patients 18 years of age or younger in the United States in 2005, compared to approximately 14,000 in

However, among all patients, including adults, children, and teenagers, approximately 90% are female, 20% are racial and ethnic minorities, and there is a considerable income range.
Reconstructive surgery is defined as a procedure to correct a clear abnormality. Reconstructive procedures such as correction of cleft lip or palate, can provide enormous benefit to children and teenagers. In contrast, cosmetic surgery is defined as surgery to improve a “normal” appearance, such as reshaping a nose or augmenting breasts. As cosmetic procedures have become much more pervasive, advertised in the mass media and the subject of numerous prime time television programs, it has become increasingly difficult for health professionals to agree on when it is appropriate or necessary. View entire report in source.
espero que me agreges chaooooo
ReplyDeletehola ezpero i me puedaz agragar a tu correo es cuidate mujer +
ReplyDeletespero q me agreguez
vc é uma deusa um anjo da belesa e do amor cm vc eu vou aonde vc for enloquecido pelo amor que eu sinto só de ver vc amo seu jeito de ser que a pelesa é de uma deusa afrodito eu irei até ñ alguenta serei um escravo da paixão só por enfretaria a escuridao o meu amo só pra vc m ama e eu amarei vc ate volta ñ inporta a distasia entre nois dois pois o amor vai ate vc te amo
ReplyDeletem adn
ReplyDeletefoi eu q madei pra vc gt